Haddi: Jahkái: 900 kr
Giltig under säsongen 1/1-31/8
As a fisher, you are ALWAYS obliged to know the regulations that apply to the waters you fish in. When you fish, you must have a valid fishing license at hand. For full rules and conditions see Appendix Regler och villkor Dalafjällfiskekort (se Regler och villkor dalafjallfiskekort).
ATTENTION! Fishing ban 26 April - 18 June 2024 in the Långfjället nature reserve in the following lakes and all waters in between: Fosksjöarna, Grötsjöarna, Grötvallsjön, Hävlingen, Slagusjön, Ståltjärnarna, Särsjön and Våndsjön, numbers 1-6 and 12-16.
Storån, from Särsjön's to Töfsingån's outlet, is quota-based and requires a special permit that can be booked via Visit Dalarna.
Fishing may be conducted with only 1 rod (hand gear) per person.
In Storån, from Töfsingån's outlet to Hällsjön, only fly fishing is permitted. Fly fishing means fishing with a fly rod, fly line and fly.
For grayling, trout and char - you may keep a maximum of 4 fish per day (in Lake Grövelsjön no catch limit applies). In Storån, from Töfsingån's outlet to Hällsjön, you may keep one (1) trout between 35-50 cm per day and fishing license. In cases where the card is valid for more than 1 person, the catch limit applies in total to those who use the card.
Grayling may not be fished 1/4–31/5.
Ice augers powered by a combustion engine are prohibited.
The use of live fish as bait is prohibited. Dead fish or other aquatic animals used as bait must be caught in the same water area where the fishing takes place.
The fishing license also applies to accompanying children under the age of 16.
Minimum size apply to grayling (35 cm), char (25 cm) and trout (25 cm). Exception: In the entire Storån, the minimum size for trout is 35 cm. In Storån, trout over 50 cm in length must also be released back. The size is measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail fin. In Rösjöarna and Harrsjöarna on Fulufjället, it is forbidden to keep char between 18-35 cm.
Fish below the minimum size must be immediately released back into the water, whether dead or alive.
Fishing from a boat or other float is prohibited, except in Grövelsjön, Våndsjön, Upper and Lower Grötsjön, Klacken, Hävlingen, Särsjön, Stora and Lilla Rösjön, Stora and Lilla Harrsjön.
For more information see County Administration of Dalarna