Price: 7 days: 220 kr
Arjeplog license
General rules
This fishing permit gives you access to many state-owned waters, but remember that fishing rules may vary locally and that some waters are privately owned. All fishing rules are explained in the brochure/map that accompanies your permit. All brochures/maps are also available free online:
• The fishing permit is not valid without the brochure/map that accompanies it (see link above).
• Fishing permits are personal and valid only if the details printed on the license are accurate.
• Children (15 years old or younger) are allowed to accompany permit holders free of charge.
• The fishing permit and brochure/map must be made available to police, customs, and fishery control officers upon inspection, along with documents (personal ID or passport) that confirm the identity of the permit holder.
• Fishing is forbidden if it interferes with reindeer husbandry.
• Do not use cottages and sámi cots without permission.
• Permit holders are allowed to use one fishing rod (line equipped with three hooks maximum) per angler. Other rules are enforced in trolling lakes (see map). Please note that the fishing license does not give the right to fish with pole hooks and similar gear. Examples of such tools are ice fishing rods that are not under direct supervision and pike shears.
• There’s a daily limit on the number of salmonid fish you can keep. Bag limit (trout and grayling): 5 fish in total, e.g. 2 trout and 3 grayling.
• If you want to keep your catch, salmonid fish must be of a certain size (minimum length): grayling (0.35 m), trout ( 0.35 m), and salmon (0.5 m). Captured fish are measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail.
• It is generally forbidden to use live bait (worms, insect larvae, crustaceans, fish etc.) in streams and rivers. If there are exceptions it is stated in your fishing permit. These rules have been enforced to protect juvenile salmonids (grayling, trout, and salmon).
• To ensure the sustainability of fish populations, trout fishing is not allowed in streams and rivers during spawning, i.e. from the 1st of September until the 31st of December. If you catch a trout by accident you must release it even if it is within the size limits or injured.
• Grayling fishing is forbidden between the 10th of May and the 10th of June in three municipalities; Arjeplog, Jokkmokk, and Gällivare, and between the 15th of May and 15th of June in Kiruna municipality. Restrictions are enforced to protect grayling during spawning. If you catch a grayling by accident during this period you must release it even if it is within the size limits or injured.
• To protect fish populations from overexploitation, ice fishing is forbidden in all streams and rivers apart from Piteälven, Kalixälven, and Torneälven. Ice fishing is also prohibited in streams and lake-like (wide and slow-flowing) segments of rivers other than Piteälven, Kalixälven and Torneälven. Wide and slow-flowing sections are considered ‘lake-like’ when the maximum width equals <200 m and the length equals <1 km.
• It is forbidden to confine fish or to restrict their movements in order to keep them alive until consumption or until bigger fish are caught.
• It is forbidden to sell captured fish
Please remember that you alone are responsible for making informed decisions. Before you go fishing make sure that you understand all local rules and restrictions. Additional restrictions can be enforced by the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten.
Regulatory framework (relevant laws and regulations): • Fiskelagen (1993:787). • Förordning (1994:1716) om fisket, vattenbruket och fiskerinäringen. • Fiskeriverkets föreskrifter (FIFS 2004:37).
If you have any questions about current fishing rules, please contact: Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län (in English: County Administrative Board of Norrbotten) SE-971 86 Luleå, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0) 10 225 50 00 E-mail: Website: